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Edifecs SpecBuilder also includes guideline migration, standards repository and test data generator components. Edifecs Healthcare Transaction Repository ( HTR). Healthcare Suite, Edifecs XEngine ensures interoperability with trading partners by time environment with Edifecs SpecBuilder design-time tools. • Scalable to A single tool can deliver a comprehensive set of capabilities to accelerate transaction specification development. Healthcare organizations can ensure compliance Edifecs SpecBuilder is an integrated and easy-to-use tool that simplifies and accelerates authoring, testing and publishing specifications and processing maps 免費: edifecs specbuilder 下載軟體在UpdateStar: -
Edifecs is a leading healthcare technology company with the mission to improve in Issaquah, developed and launched Edifecs' First product – SpecBuilder. Edifecs SpecBuilder also includes guideline migration, standards repository and test data generator components. Edifecs Healthcare Transaction Repository ( HTR). Healthcare Suite, Edifecs XEngine ensures interoperability with trading partners by time environment with Edifecs SpecBuilder design-time tools. • Scalable to A single tool can deliver a comprehensive set of capabilities to accelerate transaction specification development. Healthcare organizations can ensure compliance
Edifecs SpecBuilder
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免费: free software similar to specbuilder 下载软件在 UpdateStar: - Our Approach. Edifecs SpecBuilder is an integrated and easy-to-use design-time toolkit that simplifies and accelerates authoring, testing and publishing specifications, and processing maps for all types of transaction processing. An industry leader since 1996, Edifecs provides global healthcare information technology that reduces administrative cost, improves revenue sustainability, and increases collaboration and operational performance
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免费: free software similar to specbuilder 下载软件在 UpdateStar: - Our Approach. Edifecs SpecBuilder is an integrated and easy-to-use design-time toolkit that simplifies and accelerates authoring, testing and publishing specifications, and processing maps for all types of transaction processing.
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